Bali Masters 9’s Australian Football Tournament

If you would like to know more about the 2019 Bali Masters tournament you can email Greg Hinchliffe directly at or send a message to the Bali Geckos facebook page by clicking here.

1. Introduction

Each Football Club (Club) is committed to the ideals, principles and disciplines of Australian Football as expressed in this document.

The Executive Committee of Each Football Club requires all members, players and supporters to commit to and abide by the Philosophy and Code of Conduct for the Bali 9’s Australian Football Tournament.

The Code of Conduct is for the benefit of all members, players, spectators, their friends and families. All members, players and supporters should take the time to read them carefully and acknowledge their commitment by signing this form and returning it to the Club.

2. Philosophy and Code of Conduct

The most important aspect of our game is that it is “football for fun”.

All tournament participants should adhere to this philosophy and accept the following guidelines:
1. Egos are to be left at home.
2. Criticism of other player’s performance and ability is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
3. The game is played for fun and enjoyment by all.
4. Disputing an umpire’s decisions or abuse of any umpires is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
5. On field and off field fighting, violence or bad language is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
6. Racial or religious abuse, vilification or actions that may offend another will not be tolerated.

3. Insurance, Injury and Member Consent Form

All players and officials are STRONGLY ADVISED to make provision for their own Accident, Life, Income Protection and Health insurances to protect themselves in the event of injury sustained whilst participating in Bali 9’s Australian Football Tournament.

Consequently, every participant in Bali 9’s Australian Football Tournament will be required to
complete and sign a Members and Players Consent Form prior to undertaking any playing or non-playing role with their respective clubs.

4. Breaches of Code of Conduct

Umpire penalties for on field offences

All players are reminded of the Order-Off-Rule that may be imposed by all field umpires and Bali Masters Australian Football Inc Executive Committee members. Please note that a player sent-off cannot be replaced.
A Green card penalty being automatic send-off for 5 minutes. The player cannot be replaced.

A Yellow card penalty being  automatic send -off for duration of the match. The player cannot be replaced.

A Red card penalty being  automatic send-off for the remainder of game plus automatic next game suspension.

The player cannot be replaced.
Procedures for Reporting of Breaches.
The Captain or President of the Club (the complainant) can report a breach of the Bali 9’s Australian Football Tournament Code of Conduct to the Bali 9’s Australian Football Tournament Executive Committee.

Investigation Procedures.
Any verbal or written report of a breach of the Code of Conduct shall be heard by the Executive Committee who shall convene a meeting at the earliest possible time in order to investigate the alleged incident.

The complainant may, if desired, remain anonymous to all but the Executive Committee who shall keep the person’s identity confidential.

The Executive Committee will fully investigate all aspects of the reported incident and must consult with all parties involved, all the time maintaining the complainant’s confidentiality if requested.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to impose any or all of the prescribed penalties.

The Executive Committee shall report the outcome of their investigations firstly to the offending party and the Club President or Captain, secondly to the complainant, thirdly (if appropriate) to all other affected teams.

The Executive Committee have the authority and power to impose any or all of the prescribed penalties on any complainant if the Committee deems the complainant’s report to be frivolous, unjust, spiteful or intended to unfairly injure or discriminate against any person or persons.

Disciplinary Actions and Prescribed Penalties.
In all reported cases, the Executive Committee shall counsel the offending person(s) and instruct them in the Philosophy of Australian Football and how they should conduct themselves.

Where the incident is considered to be a minor offence:
The offending person(s) may be cautioned and receive a warning not to re-offend.

A second or subsequent breach of a minor nature will be treated as a significant offence.

Where the incident is considered to be a significant offence:

  • The offending person(s) will have their eligibility to participate in the tournament suspended for a period determined by the Executive Committee.
  • The offending person(s) will be suspended from playing for a period determined by the Executive Committee.
  • A second or subsequent breach of a significant nature will be treated as a serious offence.
  • Where the incident is considered to be a serious offence:
  • The offending person(s) will have their eligibility to participate in the tournament cancelled indefinitely.
  • The offending person(s) will be suspended from playing indefinitely.
  • The offending person(s), will be suspended from attending Club games or functions indefinitely.